Thursday, December 15, 2011

Early Access

Hubs and I bought on pre-release.  Signed up for beta.  Never got into beta.  Never expected to get into the first day of early access.  I mean, we didn't stay up for the 4AM opening of the pre-release orders.  We didn't get up at 6AM to see if we got into the first wave of early access.

The morning of Dec 13 dawned as typical.  Get up around 8'ish.  Take the pupsters out.  Feed the pupsters.  Take my meds.  Grab my coffee and iPad and head out to the porch for some quiet reading and coffee time.  Flip open the iPad, check the weather, check e-mail.

OMG!  I've got an early access e-mail!  So does hubs.

Stars are shining brightly in the galaxy this week.

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