Saturday, December 17, 2011

Are you aligned?

swtor has the concept of alignment.  How your character makes decisions and conducts dialog affects a light side | dark side alignment scale.  Light and dark alignment really have nothing to do with your choice as Republic or Empire, rather with choices you make as you interact with the environment.  Do you slay the dude who just lost a son to an Empire skirmish or do you facilitate his disappearance?

You can find your overall Alignment by opening your character pane and hovering your mouse over the alignment scale.

As you complete quests, the completion pane summarizes your Alignment [Light Side or Dark Side]; Social, and Affection changes along with your XP gain.

Choice Wheel
Wondering how you gain Alignment points?  Well, it depends on how you answer some of the dialog questions.

Spin the wheel, where does it land?

Your dialog answers can possibly effect your Alignment, your Social ranking and your companion affection ranking.  You'll get an idea as the games goes along.  Dark side and light side alignment has nothing to do with the faction you chose.  One can as easily be a dark Jedi as a light Sith.


An honorable Sith????  Aye.  Strange concept.  But think about the blue light beam.  You know you want one. *

And what does Alignment mean in the game?  Directly your Alignment rating affects some of your gear, crystals and what have you.   Some will have a light, dark or grey requirement for equipping.  Alignment will also affect how your companion regards you, and probably has some impact on quest options.

You can set how you preview what your Alignment results will be in your dialog sessions with options in:  Game Menu; Preferences, User Interface, Conversation.

Hey.  I'm having fun being a light side agent.  I think it would also be fun to level an agent dark side.  See how the game play is different.  Poor Kayilo, I'm none too sure she appreciates this light side stuff.

Hmm, come to think on it.  Having NO preview of conversation alignment would be a mini-game within the game.  How would you rank up?

* Blue crystals are not allowed to dark side

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